App | System | Website

Ajzal Mobile Apps and Web System

User & Business Apps

Two separate apps, one for users and the other for businesses, were developed and put on the Apple and Google Play stores. The user app allowed customers to browse and purchase offer bundles online while the business app could scan and apply these offers at the store.

Web Application for Data Management

All data related to the web app could be managed from a central location. This consisted of information related to companies, bundles, offers, vouchers, orders and users of various roles. Push notifications could also be sent out to all customers.

Marketer Dashboard

Marketers and salespeople would be assigned vouchers and their sales could be tracked through the admin dashboard. A separate dashboard was created for them where they could view information related to their sales and numbers.

QR Scanning

 The business app had the ability to scan customer offer codes, where it would be checked against the database and then applied for the customer at checkout.
